
Monday, March 15, 2010

Yo Yo Quilt

Wow! Check out this beautiful Yo-yo quilt my mom made.  She is very crafty and loves to make things. Over our long snow she was able to sit and make eight-hundred yo-yo's.  It is very special because it's made of my grandma's left over material.  The quilt is beautiful!  She even did two pillowcases to match.    I would love to make my daughter Sophia one with colorful fabric for her bed.

Spring Is on its Way!

I'm starting to get the planting itch.  I can't wait to plant flowers and make the yard look pretty again.  I went to the Christmas Tree Shop and got some seeds and peat pots.  I went to my moms house and took some pics of spring.  I want to plant some tomatoes, cilantro and cucumbers so I can make salsa this summer.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sally Jean

I love making Soldered Art Charms!!! One of my favorite artist is Sally Jean Alexander.  She has written a beautiful book called Pretty Little Things.  I found this book several years ago on Amazon and finally got it back out and started some projects.

This is my soldering Tool Box:)  I have all my tools in a shoebox. Works perfect for storing all my gadgets!

Here is the glass circle cutter my father made for me.  He is an awesome inventor!

Here is my grinder with a diamond wheel used for smoothing down rough edges.

Putting the copper tape around the glass. 

The finished product! 

A sweet little keychain!!  Thank you Sally Jean for Pretty Little Things!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Three cute little girls!

These are the three grandgirls.  Lauren Anne the cook.  She loves to make conncoctions!  Pretending to be a chef with her girlfriend is what she loves best! She also loves to be on the computer and chat with her friends.  Next is Grace, she is the little school girl who loves to read novels!  She is very bright and also loves to swim.  One day she will have her Phd and will be a professor at a college.  Professor Grace!!  Last but not least is little Sophia who loves the color purple! She loves to dance and sing like a beautiful butterfly!  One day she will grow up and go to New York City and be a famous singer.  She also loves to make us laugh.  Maybe the stage is her calling.  We can't wait to find out what these beautiful little girls will be someday!